Food ingredients

Food Ingredients: Essential Ingredients for Consumer-Friendly and Healthy Foods

Jebsen & Jessen Life Science specializes primarily in distribution of food ingredients. Our customers rely on us for tailored solutions in terms of products, pricing, and logistics. Ensuring the quality of our ingredients is our utmost priority. We are committed to quality control measures and dedicated to providing our customers with reliable and high-quality ingredients.

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Ingredients in Foods: Benefits, Types, and Effects

Food ingredients play a crucial role in the food production process. Their inclusion offers a range of advantages, including:

  • Extension of Shelf Life: Preservatives are added to food to prevent the growth of microorganisms, thus prolonging the shelf life and maintaining freshness over an extended period.
  • Improvement of Aesthetics: Colorants are employed to enhance the appearance of food, standardizing their look and making them more visually appealing to consumers. They can also aid in distinguishing different food products, such as various flavors or varieties.
  • Enhancement of Texture and Consistency: Emulsifiers and stabilizers are common food ingredients used to enhance and stabilize the texture and consistency of food, resulting in a more pleasing mouthfeel.
  • Enhancement of Taste: Flavor enhancers are utilized to improve the taste of food, making it more appealing to consumers by intensifying and enhancing the overall flavor profile.

Food Ingredients: Uses, Examples, and Types

There is a wide range of ingredients designed for different applications:

Amino acids: Amino acids are the fundamental components of proteins, playing a vital role in growth and tissue repair within the body. In the realm of sports nutrition, amino acids, such as glycine, are frequently utilized as dietary supplements to assist the body in muscle development and post-exercise recovery. These supplements aid in promoting muscle growth and facilitating recuperation following physical activity.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting our cells and overall health. Ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C, is an example of an antioxidant used in food ingredients to extend the shelf life of products. Within the human body, Vitamin C is involved in numerous metabolic processes and is essential for the development of connective tissue, bones, and teeth.

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, capturing harmful compounds like free radicals and reactive oxygen species, thereby shielding cells and molecules from damage. During digestion, it enhances the absorption of iron from plant-based foods and prevents the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines. It serves as a multifaceted nutrient that contributes to various aspects of health and well-being.

Flavors: Flavors are incorporated into food production to offset flavor losses that may occur during various stages, including production, storage, and preparation, or to impart a specific and distinctive taste to a food product. One widely recognized and popular flavoring compound is vanillin, which is commonly used to enhance or replicate the taste of vanilla in various food items.

Energy Ingredients: Energy drinks contain ingredients that promote the body's energy metabolism, enhance physical performance, and improve nerve function. These beverages provide a quick energy boost, resulting in positive effects like heightened alertness and improved concentration. Ingredients like taurine, often used in conjunction with caffeine, are known for their revitalizing effects, contributing to the energizing properties of these drinks.

Humectants: Humectants are hygroscopic food ingredients that retain the moisture present in food and absorb additional moisture from the surrounding environment. This property helps prevent food from drying out and plays a crucial role in maintaining its texture and quality. In the confectionery industry, humectants are employed to prevent sugar crystallization, ensuring that confectionery products retain their desired consistency and appeal.

Flavor Enhancers: These food ingredients are recognized for their ability to enhance the sensory attributes of food. They can intensify taste and impart a spicy aroma, contributing to the overall flavor and appeal of the food.

Preservatives: Preservatives are employed to prevent food from spoiling and extend its shelf life. Some preservatives, like potassium sorbate, undergo metabolism in a manner similar to other fatty acids within the body. This metabolic process helps preserve the quality and safety of food products by inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Proteins/Starches: Proteins are composed of various combinations of amino acids that the human body must obtain through dietary sources to support the maintenance and repair of cells and tissues. These essential nutrients are crucial for overall health and well-being.

Acidulants/acid regulators: Acidulants and acid regulators play a prominent role in food technology as they elevate the acidity in foods, imparting a sour taste. Citric acid is a widely used additive in this category, as it is easily metabolized by the body and naturally occurs in small amounts within every human cell. This acid is not only found in lemons but also in various other fruits, including apples, pears, sour cherries, raspberries, blackberries, and even mushrooms.

Stabilizers/thickeners: In the food industry, stabilizers and thickeners like xanthan gum are employed during production to preserve the consistency and composition of food products. These food ingredients also contribute to enhancing the texture, color, and flavor of the food, resulting in a more appealing and enjoyable dining experience.

Sweeteners: Sweeteners are sugar alternatives that can intensify the sweetness of food, ranging from 30 to 3,000 times more than sucrose (conventional sugar). One significant advantage of these ingredients is that they are virtually or completely calorie-free and do not promote tooth decay. Some popular sweeteners include Sucralose, Ace-K, Erythritol, Maltitol, and Xylitol, providing a wide range of options for sweetening food and beverages without the added calories and potential negative effects of sugar.

Food Additive Distributor: Jebsen & Jessen Life Science is the Specialist for Ingredients

We provide safe and efficient solutions for the distribution and sale of food ingredients that meet the expectations of both consumers and the industry. Feel free to reach out to us for more information about our food ingredients, products, and services.



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Jebsen & Jessen Life Science Inc.
128 South Tryon Street, Suite 1580 Charlotte,
NC 28202, USA